Sunday School:
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM as at least two groups are meeting to hear practical teaching from God's Word that touches every area of our lives. Our discussions are informal and are designed to connect you with Christ and with fellow believers. The topics vary every few weeks and cover the full spectrum of theology and relationships. Everyone is welcome, so come as you are!
Growth Groups:
Throughout the year, we have sermon-based, small group Bible studies that meet in a variety of different homes in Washington and Keokuk county. The purpose of Growth Groups is threefold: 1) Upward Focus - We worship our God by means of diving deeper into His Holy Word, asking questions that are both convicting and thought-provoking, 2) Inward Care - Growth Groups is essentially a discipleship/care/prayer group...we accomplish a lot with Growth Groups! Being plugged into one of our Growth Groups affords you plenty of relational and spiritual refreshment, and 3) Outward Mission - Each Growth Group is encouraged to complete at least one service project during their semester meeting in order to reach out to our community. Bottom line: Growth Groups is for you...sign up today!